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Nathan Mates' Christianity Page
I've finally started updating this page semi-regularly thanks to my
writings. See below for them.
All the time, I try and display Christ in my life as a
Christian. Nobody's perfect, especially someone like me, so if you
notice something amiss in my practicing of it, feel free to email me.
First things first-- I am a Christian, subspecies Protestant. A
relevant quotation on that whole topic (imho) is Romans 10:9 - 'That
if you confess with your mouth,
"Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from
the dead, you will be saved.' [NIV]
The church I attend is Crossroads Community
Church in Austin. Before that, I attended UCLA University Presbyterian from
2001-2009, Hope Chapel, Hermosa
Beach, CA. from 1996-2001, and before that, in Pasadena,
California. I used to participate in the Caltech Christian Fellowship
from 1992-1996.
Various Christian writings/work I've done
Everyone Did As He Saw Fit. That was the lament
centuries ago. How did that happen, what were the results, and how
does it apply today? 3/27/04
Good Replacements Getting rid of
something is only the first step; we need to consider what we replace
it with. 1/24/04
What are you arguing? Watch what's going on
around you first. 1/17/04
Dealing with Scaffolding. We are under
construction in our lives, and scaffolding initially helps, but can
ultimately get in the way. How do we deal with this? 10/25/03
Failing to Pray. More of a problem than we
may realize. 6/14/03
A Balanced Approach.
We tend towards the lopsided. But, God calls us to be balanced.
Undivided Interests.
Does marriage really seem to split one's attention away from
God? 1/18/03
Why we worship God alone.
Some thoughts on this subject, responding to that question
asked to me. 9/15/02
Thoughts on Spiritual Community.
Originally published in University
Presbyterian Church's One Purpose journal. 7/13/02
The Truth is Critical. It doesn't matter
what the packaging is, God's truth remains the same. 4/29/01
Limited Discipleship. There's more
to this process than one might believe. 4/28/01
Be an Internet Berean. Think before
you send email! 4/22/01
A Useful Custom.
Yet another habit of Jesus that we can and should learn from. 4/19/01
Right Advice, Wrong Time.
Can what is said be truthful, but not helpful? 3/25/01
Peace to Some. Despite what the popular
culture says, parts of the Christmas season aren't universal. 12/18/00
Asking for Gifts Text of a talk I gave at Hope
Chapel Singles Alive. Christmas is the season of gifts, but other
humans aren't the only one we could ask for gifts from. 12/9/00
Follow the arrows In respose to recent
controversy, I try my hand at a cartoon. Enjoy! 11/11/00
Increase our Faith! A cry by the
disciples 2000 years ago is often echoed to this day. What can we
learn about faith? 11/9/00
The First Supper Something Jesus did 2000
years ago will be repeated. 10/26/00
The Sacrifices of Being a Leader The
job isn't always what it's envied to be. 10/16/00
The Third Soil Prosperity has come the last
few years. Has it affected the American Church? 10/15/00
God's Style The fingerprints of God are in
how he treats us. 10/15/00
The Carpenter What exactly did Jesus do,
growing up? 10/10/00
Wild Animals Examining Jesus's temptation
in light of some verses in Exodus and Deuteronomy. 10/9/00
an Example Like it or not, you're one. Are you being a good one?
Releasing Hindrances to Joy Expanded text of
a speech I gave at a church event. 9/24/00
Well After the Fact Centuries go by, and
people want to do something. Is this Biblical? 8/21/00
The Issue of Condemnation Some
react very negatively to pointing out things. 8/14/00
Junior Leaders The oldest and firstborn
are always the leaders, right? Nope. 8/13/00
Religion vs Relationship One works.
One don't. Which one are you following? 5/8/00
What is Unequally Yoked? That phrase
comes up a lot around believers... 5/4/00
Worship is a Living Sacrifice. Text
of my talk at the Hope Chapel Singles Alive Night of Dynamite, 4/29/00
Praying in Public. Can we even do this,
or is it forbidden? [4/9/00]
Work on Small Things. Not just the big
problems in our lives, the smaller things need work too. [4/9/00]
Datafile: Samaritans. Who are these people
so disliked by some in the New Testament? [4/2/00]
Waiting for Years. While God's told you
things to do (see next article below), it may be a while before things
happen. [3/27/00]
Waiting First. Get going, God's already told you things to do
Asking For Big Things. Sometimes we set our
sights way too low. [3/13/00]
Politics & Religion. How do they
mix. How should they mix? [3/2/00]
Why We Should Worship. It's not just for
the music team and choir to do. [2/27/00]
As Goes the Leader ... so do the
followers? [1/16/00]
Behind Enemy Lines. We're not in friendly
territory, that's for sure. How should we behave? [1/15/00]
Working through Nonbelievers. Is this
even possible? Does their unbelief stop things? [12/24/99]
Absence of Accountability. A wise and
prosperous Biblical character messes up. Why? [12/5/99]
Datafile: Calendars. The current system is
buggy, but still it's used. [10/31/99]
Datafile: Gifts. God gives so much to those
who believe in him. [10/26/99]
Very Productive Time. Time that the world
would have you think is pointless is powerful in God's
hands. [10/10/99]
Earn Your Keep. God's gifts aren't
exclusively spiritual... [10/7/99]
Almost Father of the Nation. A few
mistakes pulled this guy out of the running to be a big Biblical
figure. [8/30/99]
Descendant Always on the Throne. God promised this to David, but
how did it really play out? [8/22/99]
Datafile: Pharisees. Where these Pharisees
came fram, what they did wrong, what they did right. [8/22/99]
The Cain Factor. Cain and Abel's story is
longer lasting than just a chapter in Genesis. [8/21/99]
"Teach us to pray". Jesus's disciples had
to ask for help with prayer. We can learn from them and other examples
of starting a prayer habit and how to pray. [8/2/99]
Prosperity Not Guaranteed. We may be
blessed materially, but that's not something to count on. [7/29/99]
Financial Discipline. Quite necessary in
our lives; the whys and hows. [7/25/99]
A Unified Whole. We're more than just
intellectual and spiritual beings... [7/19/99]
Dangers of Overemphasis. Gifts: can there be too much of a good
thing? [6/30/99]
Know Thy Enemy. We have one as Christians? [5/31/99]
No Inheritance in this Land. First seen
applied to some in the Old Testament... is that it? [5/27/99]
Practical Support. A continuation of ideas
presented in 'One Church, Many Functions' below with suggestions of
how to do things. [5/24/99]
31.7665N, 35.2338E. What's the title mean,
and what are all the references to some Bible verses? [5/16/99]
Church, Many Functions. We're not a colony of insects; humans
specialize-- so don't mistreat others. [5/11/99]
Fully God, Fully Human. That's Jesus's
character; those who believe otherwise are missing the
point. [5/10/99]
Worshiping Idols. Any skeletons in your closet?
Having Righteousness. Another God-given
quality we should have. [4/29/99]
Confusing Words.What's said by one is not
necesarily understood by another. [4/28/99]
Not Medical School. Read the Bible,
pass medical school? Sorry, things don't work that way. [4/26/99]
Whiners and Complainers. Yep, people in the
Bible have been that way. Are they commended at all for that?
Dealing with Media. A few thoughts on dealing
with something that's nearly unavoidable, and normally not very
Christian. [4/19/99]
Uncertainty, and Doubt. Analysis of a certain claimed disaster,
and its message from "Christians" [4/18/99]
Wisdom and Discernment. Another thing Christians should be
striving for. [4/18/99]
Field Guide to Prophets. A bit of a field
guide to this unfortunately rare species. [4/15/99]
Be Accountable. Are you accountable to
someone? You should be. [4/12/99]
Not Yet the End of the World. Millennial
madness, with a bit of a damper put on it. [4/6/99]
The Ultimate Upgrade. Jesus had this
happen first, and it's something other Christians will get to
experience. [4/5/99]
Zero Hour. It's approaching. You ready?
King David's Crucifixion. Centuries
before Jesus, did King David know and speak of Crucifixion? Take a
look at the evidence [4/1/99]
Grafted In, Grafted Out. Not corruption, but
something more theological [3/29/99]
The Problem of Leaders. Problem?
Definitely, if they're not according to God's plan. [3/24/99]
Radiant Glory. One dark night on the
middle of a lake... [3/22/99]
Wait For Elijah. Like Godot, you could be waiting a long time
Datafile: Temples Info on the various
temples in mentioned in the Bible. [3/20/99]
The Wages Are The Same -- for different
amounts of work. Is this possible or right? [3/17/99]
When Big Miracles Don't Convince. Tough
break, but sometimes this happens. [3/15/99]
You're Not Alone. [3/14/99]
Don't Shoot the Messenger. It's a tough,
lonely job, but somebody's got to do it... (Title subejct to change)
Casting Shadows. A short work of
fiction. [3/11/99]
Praise Report or Prayer Request. Got
one? Or the other? Take a read. [3/8/99]
The Third Gift. Some commentary on the entire Christmas
season. [11/22/98]
The Embarassment in Chief commentary on the president of the
United States and how Christians should react to the mess. [9/18/98]
unification of the 4 gospel's writings on Jesus, from the Last Supper
to the burial
Notes for a Bible Study I helped lead on Sin and Repentance
"Magic, Miracles, and Christianity"
"What you don't see may still happen"
Just an hour a day...
"If you believe this, don't buy Swampland (err, Real Estate) in Florida!"
Not condemned, but not condoned either
Favorite Bible Verses
(Short list of many)
Proverbs 4:7
- Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you
gave, get understanding.
2nd Corinthians 3:4-5
- 4 Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God.
5 Not that we are completed in ourselves to claim anything
for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.
1 John 2:5-6
- 5 But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made
complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: 6 Whoever
claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.
Psalm 46:10a
- "Be still, and know that I am God"
Jeremiah 7:22-23
- 22 For when I brought your forefathers out of Egypt and
spoke to them, I did not just give them commands about burnt offerings
and sacrifices, 23 but I gave them this command: Obey me,
and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in all the ways
I command you, that it may go well with you.
 Others to be announced later.
Links to various places:
The Bible, many versions, with nice search and lookup functions.
10 Reasons to
Christian Computing
Magazine, with tips, news, and the like on how to use your
computers in the service of God's Kingdom.
Harvest Crusade. Get thee to
a free concert, or at least watch/listen for free online.
Echo Central. One of my
favorite electronic Christian group's webpage.
See more Christian writings by Nathan Mates at